Zalto Universal: About a wine glass, which fits perfectly to us

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Clothes make the man is the common quote. And a good glass makes a good wine a little bit better. People who taste wine regular will already have noticed that it definitely depends on the glass too. When wine and glass make a perfect match, the content can evolve perfectly, and you can taste the difference. The Zalto Denk Art Universal is the perfect tasting and drinking wine glass for us and it is daily used at the winery as well as in private. Whether red, white, rosé or sparkling, the diversity and finesse of the wine is emphasised. Yes, you read right: One glass for all wine styles! That is not only better for stowing, but it also saves space on the dinner table and time during the polishing of the glasses per person. The Zalto Universal is dishwasher save and despite its thinness really suitable for daily usage.

Behind the timeless design is also a noteworthy background, which the company describes in the following way:

“The development of the Denk`Art series was as influenced by the earth as by the universe beyond. The curve of the bowls are tilted at the angels of 24°, 48° and 72°, which are in accordance to the tilt angles of the Earth. The ancient Romans utilized this triumvirate of angles with their supply repositories, finding that produce stayed fresh for a longer time, and that it also showed improved taste. Due to these cosmic parallels, we believe that a wine can reach its utmost potential in a Denk`Art glass, developing everything that is possible in the nose as well as on palate, due to these cosmic parallels. “

Zalto glasses are made after traditional craftsmanship’s, which means blown by mouth. The Universal is a good basis of a glass shelf of wine lovers, who are on the search for an allrounder. We are happy that the family Hinterleitner could realise our Markus Altenburger glass despite the short resources (the Universal is currently sold out via the Zalto homepage).


glas height: 235mm

filling quantity: 530 ml

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